Blog #5 Work Out Plan



Every week I try to go work out at Planet Fitness, the gym I attend, at least three times a week. I’ve had a membership there for about 10 months now and every now and then I’ll get these “health kicks” where I want to go all the time and I have a HUGE drive to get into shape…. Those health kicks though don’t happen nearly as much as they should though.

When I go I do usually the same things because I work to get certain parts of my body to look different so I don’t get discouraged and quit. That sounds awful but it’s very true. I think most of us get really upset when our results aren’t shown the next day when in reality it takes a couple of weeks at least to see improvements. I always feel like I should go then right after be a changed human with a completely different body, that of course is very irrational and impossible. The things I do while I’m at the gym, for usually and hour, include cardio such as the treadmill or mountain climbers which also help on upper thighs and glutes (3o minutes at least, as fast/hard as I can), then I usually will do lots of planks and sit ups since the biggest issue I have with my body is my tummy…When I do planks and sit ups I use a ten pound weight so I get the best results. With planks the weight goes on my back to do a minute up every other minute 5 times, and with sit ups I hold it in front of me and do usually about 150 of them.

After these work outs you can definitely believe I’m sweating and feeling the burn, but I always feel so much better about myself and my body afterwards because I get to see how much I can really push myself without breaking. I really enjoy working out on the days I do get to, and I hope to be more avid about it and get going even more than I do now. I’ve learned a lot about myself over the ten month period I’ve been going here and that is that I can do way more than what I ever expected from myself, but I do love the challenge of learning new skills every now and then. I hope to start on heavy weights soon, I just need to build my endurance and strength up first.

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